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Innova Venture e Scientifica Venture Capital investono in Sense4Med

Un investimento da 510 mila euro nella startup che semplifica la diagnosi della fibrosi cistica

I am delighted to announce that SENSE4MED has won two prizes, one about the best sustainable startup company and one about female entrepreneurship at Italian Master Startup Award.

Our just published article on ChemComm in which the figure related to our article has been selected for the cover page thanks to all authors Luca Fiore Ankita Sinha Narjiss Seddaoui Goran Stojanovic. In this article we merged the expertise in paper-based sensors of my group with the expertise in the production of PVC-based fluidic systems of Goran Stojanovic group.

Ella Marushchenko for the designed figure used in the cover page

STRENTEX Project and Progetto E-CROME for funding

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini will be a speaker of the international conference on “Sensors in Medicine 2022” with the oral presentation entitled “Electrochemical paper-based (bio)sensors for biomedical applications: how the use of paper radically changes the features of electrochemical devices”. Sensors in Medicine 2022 seeks to highlight the most innovative advances in biosensor applications in medicine and healthcare. The SiM2022 edition is taking online from 8 to 11 November 2022. 

The virtual exhibition of SENSE4MED was carried out whitin the international conference on “Sensors in Medicine 2022”, thanks to funding from Lazio Region as part of the PRE-SEED POR FESR 2014-2020 Cl-FAST project.

La start-up Sense4Med s.r.l. è risultata vincitrice dell’ avviso pubblico Pre-Seed POR FESR 2014-2020, Regione Lazio.


Il progetto Cl-FAST (Chlorides Fast Analysis by Smart Technology) si propone di implementare e commercializzare un sensore elettrochimico miniaturizzato su carta per l’analisi rapida e sostenibile degli ioni cloruro. Il dispositivo analitico sviuppato in questo progetto rappresenta una strategia innovativa per la misura di ioni cloruro sia in ambito biomedicale, per la diagnosi della fibrosi cistica e il suo monitoraggio, sia per il controllo qualità nel settore alimentare, in particolare nel caso della misura di cloruri in prodotti lattiero-caseari. Grazie alla combinazione delle proprietà della carta con diverse tecniche di stampa (serigrafica, a cera e 3D), sarà realizzato un dispositivo analitico ad alto valore tecnologico, idoneo per la misura user-friendly e a basso impatto ambientale dei cloruri, senza bisogno di set-up di laboratorio e aggiunta di reagenti chimici per la misura (reagent-free). Questo dispositivo permetterà di ridurre costi e tempi di anali di rispetto ai metodi convenzionali, con vantaggi applicabili sia al controllo qualità nella filiera lattiero-casearia, sia in ambito biomedicale per la diagnosi della fibrosi cistica. Tale progetto farà convergere il know-how acquisito nel corso di più di 15 anni di ricerca nella sensoristica verso la produzione di un dispositivo innovativo per i mercati di interesse

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini will be a speaker of the international conference on “Sensors in Medicine 2021” with the oral presentation entitled “Paper-based (bio)sensors as smart and sustainable point-of-care devices”. Sensors in Medicine 2021 seeks to highlight the most innovative advances in biosensor applications in medicine and healthcare. The SiM2021 edition is taking online from 8 to 12 November 2021.

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini will be a speaker of the workshop on “Prospettive e sviluppo della sensoristica e della robotica in agricoltura” organized by Tuscany region, with the oral presentation entitled “Novità nella sensoristica per utilizzazioni in agricoltura”.

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini was a speaker of the international conference on “Trends in Nanotechnologys (TNT 2021)” organized by Prof. Arben Merkocy from ICN2 Spain, with the oral presentation entitled “Carbon black as an outstanding and affordable nanomaterial for electrochemical (bio)sensor design”. The TNT2021 edition is taking place in Tirana (Albania) from 4 to 8 October 2021.

Ecco la locandina del Progetto E-Crome che trovate anche affissa nel Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche dell’Universitá di Tor Vergata !

Tra le persone coinvolte, la Dottoressa Veronica Caratelli che si occuperà dello sviluppo della piattaforma biosensoristica stampata su carta per la misura di emocromo ed elettroliti.

It is a pleasure to say that our PhD student Luca Fiore today has won the prize Best poster at XXVII National Conference of Italian Chemical Society, Analytical Chemistry Division

Reasearch on (Bio)sensors for Infectious Diseases in Italy: State of the Art.

14 JULY 2021, 9:00-13:00 (CET).

Teams platform – Free Registration

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini will be a speaker of the international conference on “Biosensors for Pandemics 2021: Reliable and efficient nanotech-based diagnostics in emergency situations” organized by Prof. Arben Merkocy from ICN2 Spain, with the oral presentation entitled “Electrochemical miniaturized (bio)sensors support the sustainable management of COVID-19 outbreak”

Our CEO Fabiana Arduini will be a speaker of the international webinar on “DEPLOYABLE NANOBIOENGINEERED SENSING TECHNOLOGIES” organized by the School of Biochemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, INDIA, with the oral presentation entitled “Eco-designed and cost-effective electrochemical (bio)sensors”

Fabiana Arduini CEO Sense4Med was reported as top 2% of the most cited scientists in the world

Youth for future 2019 invited speaker as CEO women of SENSE4MED. 13/11/2019


Sunday in a family… in our scientific family! At Maker Faire Rome -The European Edition. 20/10/2019

Saturday at Maker Faire 2019, Nanobiosensinglab and SENSE4MED people Veronica Caratelli Luca Fiore Vincenzo Mazzaracchio Neda Bagheri. 19/10/2019

Today we start our activity at Maker Faire 2019, the biggest event in Europe on innovation with Veronica Caratelli and Luca Fiore. We will be until Sunday to show our multifarious paper-based devices applied in environmental, agrifood, defence, cultural heritage and biomedical field! 18/10/2019


SENSE4MED at The Ninth International Workshop on Biosensors showing our results with paper-based devices. 11/10/2019